Showing posts with label Photoscape. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Photoscape. Show all posts
Editor Photoscape
                           Editor Photoscape

My job as Director of Media, Communications, and Technology means that I have to handle a lot of tasks that involve a lot of different things. I'm in charge of getting CD and DVD Messages together, creating and updating multiple websites, creating advertisements, running internet social networks, and sending our newsletters and e-letters. In all of this I have to work with a lot of different applications. Frequently I'm asked how we do this. 

After being asked a few times I've decided to put all the information together in a list. And since I realize not everyone has the money to buy Photoshop and a bunch of other high priced apps, I've put in some cheaper and free alternatives. This may not be the best way, the easiest way, the most popular way, but for now, it's how we do things.

Graphic Design

The number one program that we use at work for graphic design is Adobe's Photoshop. If you don't know, Photoshop is the end all, to be all program. Every professional graphic designer either uses it or wishes they did. If they don't, then they are the exception to the world. We use Photoshop for every visual print or web graphic, and even some in our DVD menus. Our message inserts, advertisements, and some more things are all done with Photoshop. I'll get to the 'more things' later.

Though we use Photoshop, I understand not everyone can. Photoshop ranges from around $500 to $1500 depending on the suite and the version. You can get the normal Photoshop or an Extended version that does 3D and some other stuff, which costs more. If you get the design standard suite, you also get Adobe Illustrator, InDesign, Acrobat, and Bridge. Bridge is a program for organizing files, Illustrator creates and edits vector files, while InDesign does your desktop publishing. Acrobat makes and edits PDF files. All of these are professional standard programs. This means the magazines you see on the racks at Walmart, are probably made using this software (in some way, shape, or form). Photoshop also has a 'lite' version called Photoshop Elements, but if you're serious about graphic design, I'd pass on it. Now if you want an alternative to this, you can always Google "free alternative to Photoshop." But one of the big alternatives to Photoshop is a program called Gimp. For a free program, I've heard wonderful things about it. There's also Krita, Adobe Photoshop Express (free web-based program), and Photoscape (among many others).

If you're looking for alternatives to Illustrator, you can check out a program called Inkscape. It's along the same lines as Gimp. And again, for a free program, pretty good. Again, you can do some Google searches and come up with some good stuff I'm sure. If you're looking to buy a graphics program and don't want to pay the high cost for Photoshop, you can do that too. There's Paintshop Pro, Pixelmator, Pixel Image Editor, and many more.

I'm going to wait until I get to talking about how we do our newsletters to say anything about alternatives to InDesign.


As you probably can tell, I do a lot of photography. If you do a lot of photography or just do some and want to streamline the whole process, then I recommend Adobe Photoshop Lightroom. However at a price tag of $300, unless you do a lot of photography and need to edit your photos a lot, then you may just want to stick with doing this in a cheaper/free graphics program. There is a free program out there called DarkTable that tries to mimic some of the features of Lightroom. You can give it a try. I used it for about a week off and on before I decided to fork out the cash for Lightroom.

Since I'm putting this list together, I might as well add this. If you want to do some stylized photos and want to try some HDR, then check out Photomatix. It's gotta a pretty price tag on it too - the Pro version is $100. But they do have another version that sells around $40 I believe. But if you're going to get it, go all out. If you want to do some HDR, there are some alternatives. Nik's software has a piece of software called HDR Efex Pro, however, it's more than Photomatix. There's three free alternatives that I know of, but they are free and it kind of shows. There's Luminance HDR or QTPFSGUI as it's also called, Picturenaut, and Essential HDR.

Desktop Publishing

To make our newsletters we have used several different programs in the past. At one point we were using MS Publisher, which is what we currently use to make our e-letter. To do that, we create it in MS Publisher, then export it to MS Outlook to send out through email via MS Office's features. Currently though, we use Apple's Pages, which is part of Apple's iWork suite. We occasionally Adobe InDesign as well whenever we do magazines. Scribus is a free, open-source program for page layout that you could use as an alternative to those. If you want a free, open-source office suit, try Open Office.

Audio/Video Editing

To edit our CD messages, we use SoundForge. However we used to use the free Audacity program. And for all of our video editing we use Final Cut Studio. Apple just came out with a new version of Final Cut Pro, which we don't care for really. We've decided to stick with version 7 for all of our stuff. So for all of our video production, we use Final Cut Pro to do the editing and importing. To burn it to a DVD we've used a variety of things. To do a complete and professional DVD in the office, we use the programs that come in the Final Cut Studio suite. Those pieces of software include Soundtrack for composing music, Motion to do motion graphics, and DVD Studio Pro to actually make the DVD. However if you want to do some video editing you can try the free Avidemux, which does simple video editing. You could also look at HyperEngine-AV (Mac only).

Also, check out Light Works. It's still in beta and is only available for PC, but by the end of the summer it is supposed to be on Mac as well. Also, it's the video editor that was used to edit "The King's Speech," so you know it's good. To make your own music on the computer you can use the Soundtrack program mentioned above, as well as Apple's Logic Pro and Logic Express (both are meant for professional musicians, while Soundtrack is just meant to add a score to your videos) As far as free software, there isn't much. But for video editing and audio editing you can check out some of Adobe's Creation Suite. They have Premiere for video editing and Audition for Audio editing. Premiere comes in three versions as well - Elements, Express, and Pro. There's also After Effects for motion graphics. Avid has ProTools and ProTools LE for audio creation and editing. You can also check out Sony's software - Acid for audio creation, and Vegas for video editing, andDVD Architect for DVD and BluRay creation.

Web Design

Like all other areas of media, there's a lot of options. For web design, the options are as limitless as Google search results. However, this is what we do. To actually create our web site we use a Photoshop plug-in called Sitegrinder. This plug-in takes Photoshop files and converts them into HTML websites. From here we edit anything that needs to be edited in the code using various text editors. Right now I'm jumping back and forth between TextWrangler and Aptana Studio (both free). Of course if you invest in Adobe's Creative Suite, you can use Dreamweaver to build your websites and get a visual and a code design interface. There's cheaper alternatives to Dreamweaver though. Check out Coda, Espresso, RapidWeaver, and TextMate for Mac. You can also look into Web Image Studio, EditPlus. You can also just do a Google search for "alternatives to dreamweaver."

If you're looking for a free version, you can try Kompozer. I've tried it and I don't care for it much, but you may be different. You could also look into Amaya, Bluefish Editor, Screem, and as I mentioned earlier, Aptana Studio.

After you get everything edited and fixed up you'll need an ftp client to upload the site and most likely, you don't want to use your host's ftp. We use cyberduck, which works on PC and Mac. You can look into fetch and Filezilla also, as well as classicFTP.


Many people want to do podcast today as well. We actually take our messages and turn them into podcast, instead of actually recording programs in a studio or something like that. To do that, we edit the message as described above and then we cut them into podcasts and attached intro and exit tags in either Soundtrack or Garage Band. We then upload it using iWeb. However, with Apple discontinuing iWeb in 2012, we'll have to figure out another way, which I'll then probably update on here then.

That's about it for now. I'll update later on Mobile App Development, which we've started looking into recently. Now, the professional paid version of all these pieces of software is always going to have more features and be better, but the free, open-source versions aren't really that bad in themselves. But with a little research, Google-ing, and asking others who have been there, you can find a toolbox of programs that works best for you.

So what about you? What do you use?

Krist Adams is Director of Media, Communications, and Technology for an International Ministry based in Tulsa, Ok. He also works part-time as a freelance Graphic Designer. His website hosts his work, as well as His blog where he shares a wealth of information on design, technology, social media and how they relate to ministry and church professionals.

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Editor Photoscape
Editor Photoscape

Creating a canvas art print is quite a major event in your home's interior design! While there are plenty of ready-to-order landscape canvas prints and images from pro photographers, it can be even more special for your canvas art to have that personal touch. Given the right resolution photo, any of your most special images can be made suitable for canvas printing without any further investment; that is why we are looking at the best free photo editing programs for Windows computers here. Have a read, and download whichever sounds good to you... there is nothing to lose!

1. The GIMP

This is at the top of everybody's must-have free photo editing list, and is a serious competitor for mainstream paid photo editors like Photoshop. It has a friendly user interface and plenty of options.

2. VCW Vicman's Photo Editor

This program helps create perfect canvas art prints with an interface that will look very familiar to users of any mainstream image editing program... especially those familiar with Adobe CS. The commercial version costs $30, but the free version will be suitable for the touch-ups necessary for canvas art printing files.

3. Image Force

You can both paint images and edit photos with this free Windows-based software. It has some visual effects for photos - use these sparingly with your canvas prints, though.


This ongoing project was begun by Washington State University students, and is easily a match for paid applications. It has the capacity for standard image edits as well as effects and painting.

5. Ultimate Paint

Creation, editing and effects are all possible with this program - the difference is its size and directness. The release now available is getting on in years, but some people still swear by it for editing photos for canvas art printing.

6. PhotoFiltre

If you aren't confident with choosing levels for adjusting your images, PhotoFiltre takes a lot of the guesswork out of the task. It is also very fast - you won't spend hours locating the tasks you want. Commercial organizations must pay - but for you, it's free!


Not technically an image editing Windows-based application - this is actually a browser based application. You don't need tpo download anything, and the interface will seem much more familiar... because it comes on the background of your favorite browser. There are free options for use


Another software-as-a-service type offering for canvas art print creation, FotoFlexer is a very simple to use online image editing application. This one includes a Photoshop-style Curves dialog - but a downside is that rotation is limited to 90 degree increments.

9. Photoscape

It doesn't look like much at first glance - but those who have been using it for a while are often ardent proponents of Photoscape. It has an enormous feature profile, rivaling that of Photoshop, as well as handy tools like batch processing capability, RAW converter, screen capture tool, colour picker, etc.

10. Serif PhotoPlus

Using this software for editing your canvas art print photos is a great way to get to know a paid, commercial program for free. Serif PhotoPlus gives away the old versions of their software for free, to entice users to buy the current version. Great deal!
Decorate your home or office with dramatic scenes of Australian landscapes from our portfolio or print your own images. For more information to to place an order, visit Canvas Print.

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Editor Photoscape
                         Editor Photoscape

A good friend of mine argues that the perfect photograph is one that requires absolutely no adjustments after the shutter is released. Another friend who is enrolled in a decreed photography program had an instructor who insisted all photos taken with digital cameras require sharpening. My own attitude toward using photo editing software is that your actions should enhance, but not significantly alter, the original image to achieve the desired result.

Sometimes this means a little cropping and increasing the contrast. Other times I may use the cloning or healing tool to remove a distracting element. And sometimes adjustments to the levels are required so the final image more closely resembles the colors I saw when I was taking the photograph.

Below are a just a few examples of photo editing software available. They basically can be divided into three categories: purchased software you install on your computer, freeware or shareware you install, and web-based programs where you upload your images and work on them in cyberspace.

Adobe Creative Cloud
Adobe's Photoshop was the standard by which all photo editing software is measured. After many iterations, they replaced the steep price tag (about $650) for the software with a subscription to an online service. This allows them to update features on the fly and provide subscribers with the most current version -- which has more features than you could ever imagine using. You might still find older versions at a deep discount, and know that it will meet all of your needs, if you want the software on your computer (for those who don't always have good internet connections). So ubiquitous is this program, that it's become a verb ("yeah, that picture was Photoshopped.")

Adobe Photoshop Lightroom
As a photo editor, Lightroom offers less functionality than Photoshop, but it is very useful for streamlining workflow and organizing your photos. Professional photographers like it for the ability to handle a large volume of photographs. The price point is around $150.

Corel Paint Shop Pro
Paint Shop Pro is popular with many photographers because it has a small price tag (about $30), yet contains all the features most photo editors will need.

Google Picasa
When first released, Picasa was merely an organizer. The new version contains the editing functions most commonly used by photographers. Oh, and it's free from Google.

GNU Image Manipulation Program is another free program. It's got much of the functionality of Photoshop, but is far from intuitive for those who are just getting into photo editing.
Another free photo editing program, PhotoScape also has batch processing features popular with photographers shooting many images.

Another web-based photo editing tool. I tried this one and found it very easy and versatile. It also works with both uploaded photos as well as photos already on the web.

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Photo Editing Program
Photoshop should be a great option for photo editing but unfortunately it takes time to load. Photoshop can be used for creating an image from scratch while Photoscape is great for editing photos especially in bulk. I'd suggest using Photoscape as it is very lightweight and offers a lot of useful tools for photo editing
Image Hosting Account

This is very essential for every blogger which means that each one of them should have at least an image hosting account. There are many websites that offers image hosting services but Imageshack and Photobucket are the most popular. Personally, I'd recommend Photobucket as it is fast and reliable

Although it sounds weird but these things should come in handy in order for you to come up with interesting words. Don't be rigid, but instead try to be different from others. Indirectly, you will learn something new everyday. Who knows?
Screen Capture Program

Hitting Print Screen key on your keyboard and then paste it to Paint. Is that what you always do? Maybe you're never heard of screen capture program. Basically what screen capture program do is that they will save webpage automatically as an image according to your selection. Try using ScreenGrab! for Firefox addons or MWSnap 3. Both are great!
Code Editor

Most intermediate and advanced web developer uses code editor like Adobe Dreamweaver because it also offers visual editor. But for a blogger like us that just might need some minor changes in our code, you might want to consider on using Notepad++. Basically, it is just an advanced version of the usual text editor, Notepad but comes with many different programming language
Hope these info really helps in order for you to build a better blog. Let me know if you had other things in mind :)

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Part of the fun of taking digital photos is editing the final version using software to get the exact final result you want. There several great free software programs from the simple to the advanced that can help any amateur photographer. Here's my top four picks for free photo editing software, based on what type of editing you want to accomplish.
Ifranview - both Editor and Viewer

Probably the quickest to learn and easiest to use for basic cropping, adjusting colors, and basic special effects is called Ifranview. It's been around for years and if you just want to crop, or rotate, change the format, or fine tune the color balance of any digital photo, this is an excellent choice. Extremely simple but also easier to learn than any other photo editing software. It's small in size, fast in operation, and can be used as a slide viewer too.

Photoscape - Free Easy To Learn Photo Editor with Lots of Features
If you want to get down to pixel editing and making advanced changes Photoscape is a very good choice. It is loaded with features and also very easy to learn. Photoscape has several modules for different editing chores that include a viewer, editor, batch processor, converter, layout print tool, screen capture, combining photos, and even a face search feature. This is a great photo editing software for kids, ages 8 and up.
GIMP - Only For the Serious Amateur

For the serious amateurs who need powerful photo editing functions, GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program) is a raster graphics editor that provides high-end functionality. Much like the commercial Adobe Photoshop software, you can do many sophisticated editing tasks with GIMP. In development since 1995, it is available on just about any platform including the MAC OS. The features are extensive which means there is a serious learning curve too. But for serious armatures it's a great choice and can provide many of the same abilities of popular and expensive popular photo editing software. But there is also a ton of tutorials and help forums that can get a new user up to speed quickly.

Picasso - Best Combo Photo Editor And Online Sharing
And if you want to both edit and share your photos online, Google has an online application called Picasso. One of the many new online applications Google has brought out in the past few years, Picasso has many features and is very easy to learn and use. You can edit your photos, then organize into web albums and share with anyone online with the Picasso Web Albums application. This also gives you a great way to backup photos just in case disaster strikes your home computer. You can also order hard prints and even different items with photos printed on them as gifts.

All of the software above has some good features and provide the novice with a good free solution for photo editing. You can find their website by searching by name at Google (too many links to put in article). All of the software programs have a lot of support and it's fairly easy to find any answers to questions online. Some provide tutorials, some don't even need tutorials they are so easy to learn and use.
With the holidays rapidly approaching, it's time to get out the digital camera and start taking pictures. Even when you don't get the perfect photo, you can go in and make any changes or improvements with this great list of free photo editing software.

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This will be my first foray into the world of widgets. I am more of a traditional programmer and I use JavaScript under extreme duress. Therefore I was never attracted toward the field of widgets or gadgets for that matter. If you want to have a look as to what are widgets please visit yahoo site.
Moving on to requirements for this kind of development
Widget engine, Yahoo calls it Confabulator. (don't ask me why, I have no idea). Get Yahoo SDK Download SDK. After the download just install it and you are ready to go.

The secondary requirement is a good text editor, Yahoo uses XML and JavaScript to design widgets thus, I would suggest finding a good XML and JavaScript editor. If you are confused please download the visual studio free edition, i think it will be sufficient for your requirements. On this point I am open to suggestions.
Download the reference manual from the Yahoo site. Click here to download a zip which has the manual in puff format.

Image editor, you will need a good image editor to design your widget backgrounds and the UI in general thus please buy or get an image editor which is as good as Gimp or Photoshop. The following list has been provided by my readers thus I have no idea how good these software’s are but I know that these are free.
PhotoScape Download
Gimp for windows Download
Serif Photo plus Download

Beside these software's you need to have basic understanding of XML and JavaScript. These tutorials will not try to teach you either of these two subjects.
The main file which is executed has an extension of ken. This you say is like the exe file under the windows environment. The ken file is not a standalone exe but a file which is used by the confabulator. Once the Confabulator engine is installed on your system as soon as you double click on any ken file the engine will start and the file will be executed. All these steps will be outline in my video tomorrow on the you tube. If you have any questions feel free to drop me a line
Creating the background

For your widget let’s build a small background graphic file. I am not trying to create anything complicated to begin with thus the background file will be an image of 200*200 pixels. The base color is transparent thus it will not obstruct anything and there are three- four shapes. The name of the file is back1.png
Widget Background
Creating the program

Let’s fire up our favorite text editor and create a file called helloworld.kon. The basic syntax is like a xml file. therefore it must start with the following line just like an XML file
The First Line Of An Uxmal File
These files have the basic element as Therefore let us create the basic skeleton of the file
Basic Widget Skeleton

Every widget element must have a window element inside it therefore we must define a window which would be the visible portion of your widget. As we all know every window must have a name, title, height and width in the same way we must define these attributes. Again it is up to you if you want these as attributes of the window element or child of window element. Personally I prefer the latter.
For the background Image create any graphics and store it in pang format
As you can see we have defined all the properties the last property that we must add is the image property which will show the background of the window. Let’s put in the image element.
RSS1My First Widget400300true

One important point is the files should be in the same path, because we cannot be sure as to the file system of the user thus if you save your widget in a folder called mywidgets then save the image either there or make a sub-directory such as images or resources to save the image files.
As is customary there must be a hello world message somewhere, thus lets put in the text, in yahoo widget this is also an element called text and attributes like data, color,font etc.
Text Element Inserted

By default the text will be printed on the extreme left i.e 0,0 position. If we want to move the text we must give the voffset and hoffset values. Basically these values will move the text vertically and horizontally from the 0,0 position by the amount of pixels you specify. I have placed the text 100 pixels down and 50 pixels to the right.

RSS1My First Widget400300trueResources/widget.pngNDTV Top News5010016#ff4499
Lets save this and try to execute it. If everything has been installed properly and the file has been written properly, your Desktop should show a security message, just click use widget.
There you have it, your first widget, if you want to close it just left click on it and choose close widget.
Tomorrow I will show you how to put some functionality in this widget, hopefully I will have a video ready too.

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Photo Scape

This article sets out to explain some of the editing tools that are available to the amateur photographer in three photo editing suites. The modern amateur photographer is almost certainly using a digital camera to capture images of family festivities, celebrations and special events and needs photo editing software to edit and adjust photos that can then be stored digitally, added to online albums or printed off.
So, ease of use is an important consideration - ease of use of the editing tools and ease of the final production of an album that can be copied to CD/DVD or uploaded to Photo bucket, Flickr or other social media sites.

1) PhotoScape (free of charge)

There are a number of 'open source' photo editing tools available for free, either to download onto your computer like Gimp or PhotoScape, or to use directly online, like Picasa and Pixar. Let's start with PhotoScape. Don't be put off by the fact that PhotoScape is free - it is a comprehensive and powerful photo editing tool. Although the user interface is a little clunky - you choose your application from a ring of icons - the applications themselves are very easy to use.
PhotoScape is:

A viewer - you can view photos in your albums and create a slideshow.
An editor - you can resize, adjust brightness and color, adjust white balance, correct the backlight, add frames, balloons, mosaic, add text, draw pictures, crop photos, remove red-eye and repair with a cloning tool. Plus all of the above can be done in batch editing mode to edit the whole or part of an album quickly.
A printer - sized to your choice - to produce portrait shots or passport/wallet photos.
A combiner - lets you add photos together to make one, and resize to your liking.
A splitter - slices photos into several pieces.
An Animated Gif producer - you can add photos or images to make a final animated 'cartoon' quickly.
A RAW image converter - to convert RAW images to.jpg or. If.

2) Photo Plus (about £70 incl. VAT)

Available from many outlets, including the high street and online, Photo Plus is from the Serif stable of software. It is a comprehensive software package, capable of producing professional looking results. Contained within it are tools that enable you to:
Convert RAW images - there are many types of raw image depending upon the make of your camera, but they can all be likened to photo negatives - not an image, but containing all the data needed to produce an image. Converting the data is like developing a positive print, adjusting color grading and white balance along the way.

Compose High Dynamic Range (HDR) images - more of this later.
Export images with their EXIF (exchangeable image file) information (date, time, exposure etc.) intact.
Adjust not only the image size and color, hue and saturation of photos, but also the brightness, black point, temperature and more.

Open and edit 64bit images for true high definition results.
Apply filters to make your pictures sepia, black and white, pixilate, mosaic, neon effect or like a poster.
Repair and restore old photos, remove unwanted people and objects from your photos with the clone and patch tools, remove red-eye, whiten teeth, remove blemishes and smooth skin, or remove the background completely.

Upload photos to Facebook and Flickr at the touch of a button.
Photo plus is easy to use with an intuitive interface, extensive help, animated 'how tos' and great tutorials.

3) Adobe Photoshop Elements 9 (about £70 incl. VAT)

Available from Adobe directly or from resellers such as Amazon and, Adobe Photoshop Elements is a powerful and comprehensive photo editing suite at a very reasonable price. The name Photoshop is like the name Google - it is becoming a verb in its own right. Whilst we might 'Google' something in order to find it, if a photo has been altered it has been 'photos hoped'.
If we assume that Photoshop can do just about any image manipulation you might think of (with some superb filters you probably didn't think of), what sets it apart from the rest of the field?

No. 1 is 'Content aware fill'. This is a fill tool which effectively removes people and objects from the background and fills the void with more background. Obviously, the more simple the background the more accurately this can be done - extracting people from complex backgrounds is less successful, but a lot easier than spending ages with the clone tool.

No. 2 is 'Panorama stitching', using 'Content aware fill' to fill in the gaps you left when you took those panoramic shots (you can never get them to overlap exactly!).

No. 3 is 'Layer Masks'. Layer masks simplify the job of making non-destructive changes to layers in order to merge photos together or manually merge photos for High Dynamic Range (HDR) compositions. HDR is a method of producing jaw-dropping images by merging two or more identical images with different exposure settings.

No. 4 is 'Out of Bounds'. One of the more fun styles that can make photographs appear to jump out of a frame, handing Photoshop users the kind of editing skills that were previously only dreamt of by magazine editors.

No. 5 is seamless integration with Facebook. Photoshop Elements can take your photos and resize them on the fly to Facebook’s maximum resolution before uploading to avoid wasting bandwidth.
All-in-all Photoshop is a professional-grade and comprehensive product with improved help for beginners, making this a great all-round choice for amateur photographers.
This article does not try to answer the question about which of the above is the best or why, because they are very different products and all are suitable in their own right.
Peter White works for Serif, a leading UK-based software developer. Serif's Photo Plus photo editing software is popular with amateur photographers makers and produces stunning images to use with Serif's website builder and desktop publishing software.

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In this article I have reviewed what is meant to be the best of the free photo editors available for instant download. I looked at about 15 all up and in my opinion these are the 5 I like the best.  
I have not placed them in any order of preference as they all have features that are similar but are used and implemented in different ways. 
If you are looking for a free photo editor have a look at these and download the one that meets you needs best.  

 1. GIMP for Windows 

GMP is a popular photo image editor it commonly referred to as the free Photoshop version, this software has a mass of features and like it's expensive brother it takes some time to get to know it well, but when you do you will love what it can do, it is worthwhile spending the time on it. 

2. Photosphere  

All I am going to say about Photosphere is that it is a simple filter based software meaning with just one click you can enhance your photo fantastic for the novice. 

3. Serif Photo Plus

Serif Photo Plus is generally given away as free software in the hope that users of the free software purchase the latest version I don't know how well this works for them but they have been using this sales tactic for a long time now. You can download a free, fully-functional version of Photo Plus without the need to upgrade at a later date unless you want the new features and a willing to pay for it. Works on Windows 95, 98, 98 SE, 2000, NT4, and XP. 

4. Paint.NET 

Paint.NET is free software for Windows 2000, XP, Vista, or Server 2003. Paint.NET was developed at Washington State University with financial assistance from Microsoft, this free software features drawing tools, special effects limitless undo and much more.  

 5. Photo Scape 

This free software is full of feature packed modules which includes including a viewer, editor, batch processor, File converter, ability to rename files, print layout module, color picker tool, and heaps more. Not bad overall for a free photo editor and the best part is that it is so easy to use. 
Please remember that for the best part most digital cameras come with editing software as part of the package, this software will generally be adequate for most people, But if your interest is getting the most out of your photos and creating things, this free software is a great start.
Recommended for More Help
Need to improve your digital photography techniques? Pick up your free digital photography guide at

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Photo Scape

Have you ever heard of image management software being sold in the market nowadays? Clearly, PhotoScape is one of the many picture editing applications that are quickly building its reputation up in the market field these days. With its user friendly features, many clients today find correcting and enhancing of photos simple and enjoyable to do using such program. It is only through fast familiarization of its structures that one may be able to appreciate the great benefits that this editing software has in store for you. You may look for tutorials and guidelines online which may help you in understanding the software better and making it possible for you to enhance you skills in photo editing. Here are some of the many useful tasks that PhotoScape allows its clients to attain:

*Choosing the desired size for an image.
*Modification of photo tints and glares.
*Stability of white hues in a picture.
*Improving of image taillight.
*Fixing a captured shot with red-eye.
*Providing photo enhancement options such as borders, word arts, backgrounds, etc.
Now that we have mentioned some of the possible editing works that can be performed using PhotoScape application, why not also learn some additional facts about it? Here are several key features that you can find in the said well-known software that will surely excite your sense of creativity:

*Various photos can be edited at the same time using the Batch Editor
*Combining a number of photos to produce a final one (whether you want it in one setting or in a particular alignment (anything you prefer) using the Page or Combine features.

*Animated photos can be created using Animated GIF
*Different style shots (portrait, passport, 1×1, 2×2) can be printed using Print
*Photo can be divided into different portions using Splitter
*Screenshots can be stored using Screen Capture
*Color selection can be done using Color Picker
*Alterations on the file names of photos can be done in sets using Rename
*JPG files can be created from raw files through Raw Converter.

This particular image management program contains recently added features, making it more distinct to the other rival applications-extending from 34 vernaculars; improved editor means of clone stamp, paint brush, filters and color picker; extra buttons and icons. Furthermore, this database is considered ad-supported product; mainly because it helps promotes search engine browsers that are not even necessary to make such software run successfully.

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Photo scape

PhotoScape is fun and easy photo editing software that enables you to fix and enhance photos. View photos in your folder, create a slideshow, resize, adjust brightness and color, white balance, correct backlight, frames, balloons, mosaic mode, add text, draw pictures, crop and remove red eye.

PhotoScape is a free program for editing pictures. In PhotoScape you can quickly and easily do everything properly. The software contains all of the standard editing features for retouching, optimizing and printing, adjust in no-time the size and colors of your photo, create a slideshow or an animated GIF, switch your photos in black and white or sepia, add a frame of a size you want, add objects, text, balloons or geometric shapes, corrects defects, crop the image or apply filters and enhancements and get red eye disappeared.

PhotoScape greets us with a startup screen where we can choose the action by clicking on one of the icons. The Interface is very user friendly. PhotoScape offers several interesting effects and filters and is a RAW converter to work with digital photos of superior quality. The screen capture function allows to make a screenshot of the entire screen or only the active window or a predetermined portion. There are minor options, but always helpful, such as renaming hundreds of images with a click.

The freeware is one of the pearls of the free photo editing programs. With a few clicks, it merges multiple photos into a collage. If you do not need super professional program such as Adobe Photoshop, download PhotoScape. The only weakness may be the fact that with PhotoScape you cannot publish your pictures directly from the program.

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Photo Scape

PhotoScape is a cool photograph editing application that will let you basically fix & enhance pictures. With the Viewer function of PhotoScape you can view pictures in your folder or generate a slide show.
The Editor function will enable you take the following actions: resizing, brightness & color manipulation, white balance, backlight correction, frames, balloons, mosaic mode, adding text, drawing pictures, cropping, filters, red-eye removal, blooming, clone stamp.

Some of its key features include a batch editor that can edit multiple photos at the same time, a page editor that unites multiple photos to generate one last photo, combines multiple photos either vertically or horizontally to produce one concluding photo and able to make a final animated GIF format photo from multiple photos. PhotoScape can also print portrait, carte de visited (CDV) and passport photos, lined, graph, music and calendar paper. It has a splitter that slices a picture into multiple pieces, captures a screen shot so you can save it, a color picker that searches and picks a color when the picture was zoomed, renames photo file names by batch and converts RAW to JPG. PhotoScape also have this awesome feature that finds similar faces on the Internet to match with yours.

PhotoScape's new features in this release comprises of an added Clone Stamp (Editor -> Tools Tab), added a Paint Brush (Editor -> Tools Tab) and an added Color Picker (Editor -> Tools Tab & Object tab). It also has an improved Mosaic Filter which has a mosaic pixel size that is selectable, just go to the Tools Tab just below the Editor tab.

PhotoScape also integrated a changed editor -- a region tab name from 'Region' to 'Tools', added a Print button to Viewer and Editor, has added 59 travel icons and 6 makeup icons, a Photo Development Service with FOTO.COM (EU Only), and a photo viewer that demonstrates photos in regular sequence as a1, a10, a2, a3 into a1, a2, a3, a10. At combine, with PhotoScape, the first photo's EXIF information would be saved and PhotoScape run 'R.

And with its new release, PhotoScape now supports 34 languages: English, Korean, Chinese, Traditional Chinese, German, Dutch, Spanish (Spain), Spanish (Mexico, Latin America), French, Japanese, Russian, Polish, Italian, Portuguese, Portuguese (Brazil), Portuguese (Colombian), Thai, Hungarian, Turkish, Catalan, Slovak, Czech, Norwegian, Bulgarian, Ukrainian, Swedish, Estonian, Danish, Romanian, Hebrew, Galician, Finnish, Indonesian and Arabic.

PhotoScape was marked as ad-supported software because it offers to change the default search engine for web browsers installed in the system and presents to download or install software or components (Google Toolbar, Google Chrome) that the program does not need to fully function.

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